Florida LMSC Board Meetings and Other Documents

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 Meeting Schedule

All Florida LMSC members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Contact Florida LMSC Chair Cheryl Kupan for more information.

2024 Board Meeting Schedule

Note: All dates are subject to change. Login information will be posted for virtual meetings.

Florida LMSC Annual Meeting has been rescheduled for November 21, 2024 at 7:00 pm EST

All Florida LMSC members are invited to attend our virtual annual meeting – details to follow.

This year is also an election year and all Board positions are up for election.  Elections will take place during the Annual meeting. All positions are 2 year commitments. 
We may also have a few proposals to vote on that will require Board and membership approval. We will post all the annual meeting materials and zoom meeting details here as they become available.

The Proposed slate of those running are:

  • Chair, Cheryl Kupan, St Pete Masters
  • Vice Chair, Kirk Clear, Swim Melbourne
  • Secretary, Zena Courtney, Swim Melbourne
  • Treasurer, Terri Goodman, Sarasota Sharks
  • Membership Coordinator, Cindi Wood, Lake Gators Swim Club
  • Newsletter Editor, Meegan Wilson, Florida Aquatic Combined Team
  • Sanctions & Top Ten Recorder, Anna Lea Matysek, Sarasota Sharks

Floor nominations will be taken prior to voting. Per the allotment chart below, your club gets a vote(s) at the annual meeting.


5.03 Eligibility to Vote: At all meetings of the FL LMSC, except as may be provided elsewhere in these Bylaws or in the Articles of Incorporation, each member of the Board of Directors and one primary representative from each registered club that has members registered with the club shall be eligible to vote. Each registered club in the FL LMSC will be allotted a number of representatives as follows:

  • 1-49 registered members = 1 representative
  • 50-99 registered members = 2 representatives
  • 100 & above registered members = 2 representative +1 additional representative for each additional 100 registered members.

A quorum shall consist of those present and eligible to vote.

5.03.01 Definitions: The term “club” for the purposes of this article signifies those groups within the Florida LMSC who are registered with USMS. Each Florida LMSC club shall submit on a yearly basis the name(s) and contact information of each representative to the Florida LMSC Secretary. At the beginning of each meeting the Secretary will call roll of clubs present and request identity of which member(s) are representing said clubs and ensure they are listed on the roster as present along with updated contact information. Duplicate names of Clubs will not be permitted. Any registered club member present at any meeting is eligible to represent their club. Members in the Florida LMSC who are not a club representative and are not on the Board of Directors will have a voice, but no vote.

July 23, 2024 Florida LMSC Board Meeting – 6:00 PM EST

April 28, 2024 Florida LMSC Board Meeting – 3:00 pm EST

April 28, 2024 final minutes

January 24, 2024 Florida LMSC Board Meeting – 6:30 pm

January 24, 2024 Final Minutes

Note: All dates & times are subject to change. Please attend our meetings

Recent past meeting information:

Important Administrative Documents

Other Important Documents